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Welcome to healthy living.

All Things Ayurveda is a space to heal your body starting today. Here you can find all the information you need to start taking control over your health and wellness.

About Me

My name is Kathryn Sutton. I am an avid learner and advocate for Ayurvedic healing. I began my journey into holistic several years ago after having harsh battles with anxiety and depression so severe it impacted my body's ability to function. I sought out doctors who prescribed me medicine that only made me and my body feel much worse. After an unforgettable conversation with a dear friend of mine, I finally stopped trying to suppress what my body was trying to tell me and was finally able to accept and appreciate myself as I am. At this point, I began researching yoga and meditation and, consequently found Ayurveda. 

My Mission

We have made incredible strides in the medicinal industry. Still, in addition to the help we receive from our doctors, we also have our own responsibility to take care of our bodies. Mental health awareness, if anything, has taught us that our mind and body are connected. That is why it is so important to foster both. When you care for your mind, you care for your body and vice versa. Doing this can be much simpler than many might think; it all starts with a tiny action. My goal in this blog is to help readers make small changes in their lives that will ultimately make a significant impact.

About Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a system of holistic medicine that has existed for centuries and is historically rooted in the subcontinents of India. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word meaning life (Ayur), knowledge/science (Veda), or science of life. It is still a widely used practice in many eastern Asian countries where practitioners undergo heavy training like those in western medicine. Ayurveda has many aspects, from yoga to breathing practices, special diets, herbal remedies, meditation, and massage therapy. All of these coincide with helping heal your body and mind. 


There are three constitutions or bodily make-ups called Doshas. Each person is unique and is a different combination of the three. You may take a Dosha quiz with this link to find out your current Dosha balance. These Doshas are essentially scales, and Ayurveda intends to balance them. These constitutions are: 

  • Vata, which governs movement and breath

  • Pitta which regulates digestion and the body's metabolic system

  • Kapha governs the body's support system (muscle and bone structure)

Finding the balance between these three Doshas is the key to a healed heart, mind, and body. 


To read more on how Ayurveda works, click on this link from the Ayurvedic Institute, which gives a more comprehensive look into this practice.

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